
The Agricultural narrative in an African setting

I had to put a long thought in my first post after my long absence, deciding on a topic to discuss and I finally chose to address the issue of Agriculture and its developing cycle in African countries. It is my hope that this article will not impress you but rather impress upon you as you read along word after word. Lets jump straight into the topic, why is agriculture in Africa still where it is today?  For a very long while, there has been less informed and calculated approaches when it comes to Africa's agricultural terrain, a problem which has developed into a system of recurring events in our modern conventional dialogues. Hitherto there has always been the age old problems of bad roads, post harvest-handling losses, lack of market linkages/access, lack of mechanization, dependence on rainfall farming, zero agro-insurance covers, lack of industries to process raw materials, and many others. Obviously these old challenges facing the sector has to be addressed, and the need to b...

Love of Jesus through the eyes of a 3 year old

I was surfing the net in my usual morning rituals today when i stumbled upon this piece of writing on a hebrew webpage. It brought tears in my eyes for its simplistic narration and i thought i should share it with my audience. Hope it touches you like it did me. *************************************************** God recently allowed me to see Jesus through the eyes of someone seeing Him for the first time. Having the advantage of knowing how the story ends, we can easily forget the cost of our redemption and the love of our Savior. Every year we attend a local church pageant at Christmas time, which tells the story of Jesus from His birth through His resurrection. It is a spectacular event, with live animals and hundreds of cast members’ realistic costumes. The magi enter the huge auditorium on llamas from the rear, descending the steps in pomp and majesty. Roman soldiers look huge and menacing in their costumes and makeup. Of all the years we have attended, one stands out indelib...